Monday, October 18, 2010


As much as I love performing, and for as long as I've been doing it, I don't always have much confidence in my abilities. For the most part, my focus is on the actual process. With my mind on learning the material and committing to the moment, there is little time to step back and critique myself. I prefer it that way- the less time that is spent dwelling on self, the better. But after a six month "vacation" from acting, the usual insecurities began seeping in again.

As we blocked the first scene of "Journey to the Manger", I couldn't help but suspect that our director, Ian, miscast my role. Surely, a number of folks in our company can much better portray Christine, the wife of our Christmas-seeking central character. But despite my second-guessing, God proves over and over how specific He is to details. Every Masquer production has been cast perfectly- and that includes the unexpected changes that occur without fail (how often have we laughed that the final cast is never quite the same as when we begin?). Trusting in the capabilities of God Almighty (and Ian all-obedient), I decided to push insecurities aside to make room for hard work. I owe my cast-mates my very best. And if we forget the question of "am I good enough?" and instead ask "is this super fun?", then the answer is a resounding YES.

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