Sunday, July 31, 2011

painted into a corner

Yesterday, I joined the crew for work day at the theater. The set is moving along, and become more detailed. My job for the day was to paint two structures and the floor around it. This will eventually become Job’s house.

job set Stage Manager Leah jumped in to assist this painting effort. Soon, we were both on the floor with paintbrushes, strategically making our way down stage. It wasn’t until I heard Director Ian chuckling that I looked up and noticed that I had practically painted Leah into an inescapable corner. She only had one small paint-free “path” to freedom!

While this scenario was comical in a world of paint and set construction, how often do we “paint someone into a corner” in real life? When we want something, do we ever manipulate others so we can get it? Sure, it’s not the cruel, dramatic manipulation we see on television or in movies, but we have all learned the right things to say or do to influence the actions of others. Or perhaps our “painting” comes during fights and arguments. In the midst of our anger, we react in ways that leave another person no other choice but to react way out, and especially no way to reconciliation.

Jesus’ command to love one another seems so simply in the delivery, but so difficult to follow in times like these. Painting someone into a corner is never an act of love- only selfishness, inconsideration, or even lack of attention at all. It’s time to open our eyes and become aware of how we use our brush.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

breathing life

I’ve been on a break from rehearsals for the past few weeks, as there was little for a writer to do in this initial period of blocking. Blocking, for those who may have forgotten, is when the director goes through the script page by page and tells the actors when and where to stand, move, and deliver lines.

Though sometimes we work on scenes out of chronological order, it seems that Ian is taking the direct route and working from beginning to end. It was amazing to see the beginning of “Job” come to life after first imagining it in my head while writing, then hearing the lines spoken at the initial table-read.

The truth is that the written lines are only half the story. It truly is an example of “reading between the lines”. While an actor is speaking, many things can be happening. This also includes the actions of other characters on a different part of the stage. Just like in real life, many things happen at once. Job may be arguing with his friends near the wreckage of his children’s home while his wife is grieving on the front porch of their house. We also see the spiritual realm that is unseen by the characters. The audience watches as the work of Satan and his demons unfolds.

Seeing a story become real reminds us that the story IS real. We can’t allow the ancient text to become merely a fairytale. God obviously thought Job’s testimony was relevant to our millennium, or He wouldn’t have gone through the trouble of including it in our holy text. How much are we aware of the spiritual happenings around us? We can be quick to blame the  devil when anything goes wrong, but is that accurate? Or do we take the other extreme, like Job, and ignore Satan’s existence altogether and blame God for being unfair? Does the battle between good and evil place us in the middle? And does the acknowledgement of this reality change the way we pray, behave or react?

Job didn’t know the whole story, but what if he did? Do we comprehend the big picture? What if we did? Suddenly, “Job” seems less like an ancient tale and more like something to which we should pay attention…

Thursday, July 7, 2011

musings from a resting time

I didn’t attend rehearsal on Sunday. It felt strange to know everyone was hard at work as usual, but I wasn’t involved. However, my role in Job is behind the scenes, as a writer on standby to make any necessary script adjustments as well as participate in work days at the theatre. But this means there are no lines for me to memorize, no blocking to learn, and no reason to juggle Sundays working at a church with a drive to Anaheim in time for a few hours of rehearsing. This is a healthy  situation, but it still feels odd as I break from the routine of past shows.

One observation crossed my mind today. While I am not “religiously superstitious”, the process of writing the Job script has clearly been a challenging time in all areas of my life. I’ve been hit with struggles of all types- financial, emotional, situational, and even in some relationships. Yet now, when the script is written and in the hands of actors, things have been going pretty smoothly. Most of the challenges have been resolved, and there are blessings on top of that. One might assume this is coincidental, except if follows the story of Job too well. After Job went through tragedy, trials, and troubles, God restored everything he lost, then added more. Similarly, I’m experiencing that kind of blessings and bonuses in many areas of my life. Sure, there are battle wounds and scars that run deep. I am not exactly the same girl who sat down with a Bible and note cards to begin adapting scripture for the stage. And I imagine Job emerged from the refining fire of spiritual warfare feeling weary from the fight yet revived with a “second wind”. His perspective was probably forever changed by his experience. And if he’s anything like me, the motives in his heart of worship were driven by a deeper love for the Almighty who laid the foundations of the very earth on which he stood.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

behind the scenes as we set the stage

Want a sneak peek at the Job set?

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Job is an original production, from the adaptation of the scripture down to the last detail of set design.

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Ian and Clayton discuss details. You might recognize that lattice from Risen. When your theater company is not-for-profit, set pieces are versatile and re-usable.

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Everyone pitches in, because there are a lot of tasks that happen at work day. In addition to constructing the set, a working theatre requires maintenance, organization, and cleaning. Today, my job was organizing the tool cabinet.

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Perhaps you’re inspired to join the fun. Work days happen most Saturdays, and any helping hand is welcome. Maybe you’re saying to yourself right now, “Oh, that would be fun if I lived closer or had some free time.” Never fear- there is a place for your support. Coffee-drinkers (or people who like to give coffee as gifts) can help us with this fundraiser. 

Work days are just one more way the people of Masquer come together to make impactful shows happen!